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Air conditioning

Showing 13 products
Showing 13 products.

Air conditioning

Moisture problems are caused, among others, condensation and the rise of capillary water. In this case, the moisture enters your home for the foundation or basement walls and climbs. Condensation occurs when warm, moist air condenses on cold materials such as windows, frames and walls. Whatever the method of penetration, it is important to keep the relative humidity at the right level, preferably about 50%. To remove excess moisture at home, start with good ventilation. If this does not solve the problem or impossible, dehumidifiers can help you solve your problems of moisture. Our dehumidifiers allow you to regulate the indoor climate by adjusting the desired humidity level. You just need an outlet.

All kinds of air conditioning for the atmosphere of our home.
Humidifiers regulate the humidity in the home quickly and optimally.

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