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Advantages: - The feeling of warmth is practically immediate. In 20 minutes the bio-fireplace achieved achieve the effect of the flames of a real wood fire .. - With a block of 3 burners, the fireplace has a 2.5 Kw power equivalante. - The burner is made of stainless steel, so their resistance is a sure guarantee. - These biochimeneas not need work or exhaust fumes and odors. - Fully independent from other energy source such as gas or electricity, heating biochimeneas are excellent in cases of emergency outages or to support a conventional heat.

What is Biofuel?

  • The biofuel is obtained through the fermentation of sugar plants, mainly from beet and cane.
  • It is a biofuel which respects the environment and saves non-renewable sources of energy, this being a guarantee for use.

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